Thursday, June 18, 2009

Seaside Vacation! May 29th - June 5th

I had a very hard time picking only a few pictures to share, and if you can believe it, this is actually only a few! I took over 600 pictures, that way I'm sure to get 12 good one's, right? Anyway, here's a snapshot run through our vacation:

Hudson went to bed when we arrived, so the morning was a great surprise and he loved watching the pools below from our balcony without having any fear.

His first trip to his new 'sand box' for the week.
He wasn't to sure of the sand at first!

The three of us then had some fun at the arcade playing our favorite games, pacman for me and skeeball for Brian (and Hudson).

Then while Hudson was napping we got the call from my Mom and Dad that they were arriving, so this is Brian going out to help them find thier way in with the key card. And, a neat picture of the condo.

Once they were settled in their room and Hudson woke up,
we headed out for the beach.

Brian was excited to take Hudson out to his first ocean sunset!

Notice his foot prints walking towards the water,
I couldn't resist sharing this one!

What a great time on the beach!

The next day Hudson tried out the carousel,
the first ride with me was apprehensive...

The second ride with Dad was a blast! He rode almost every day of our vacation, and usually two turns, loving every minute!

Then it was time to hit the pool! He had a great time and was tired very quickly. He enjoyed playing in the kiddie pool and watching the other kids through our week there.

Unfortunately, Brian and Dad had to head home on Monday
to get back to work. Mom, Hudson and I were sad to see them go,
but happy to have more time to play.

This was a relaxing afternoon in the sand,
Hudson was curious about all the birds flying overhead.

Mom has some friends from grade school that came to visit one afternoon. They had lunch at Doogers and then came back to our room for more conversation and some Bagels by the Sea!

One day we drove to Tillamook for squeeky cheese and ice cream. Then we stopped at Cannon Beach to check it out and for a few photo's.

Back in the pool!

Back on the beach!

"Let me in!"
If the door wasn't latched Hudson would
go out on the terrace and get stuck.

Of course we went to the aquarium!

And, fed the seals.

Our last sunset before our trip home,
"Bye Seaside!"

The next morning we packed up and then when Hudson woke up we took him for one last swim so the car seat wouldn't seem so bad for the rest of the day. We dropped Mom off at her car in Federal Way, (Aaron's house) she left to get through Seattle traffic before rush hour, and Hudson and I visited with Aunt Lauren and then Uncle Aaron for a little bit. Then we drove up to visit with Aunt Traci and Cousin Rachel...

We had some food, played, changed a diaper (I know you wanted to know that!) and then we started on the rest of our long drive home with one more stop at Circle 8 Ranch where Grandpa Bob and Grandma Connie were square dancing. Hudson even got into the music, he loves dancing!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

I will be working on getting updated here as soon as I can... we've been busy lately! We had a great time at our friends' cabin hanging out, relaxing and falling asleep in our tent to the sound of the Entiat river rushing by. Even Hudson finally fell asleep for a quick nap once I went close enough to the river to drown out all the kids yelling and having a great time together. He had a great time playing in the woods and watching all the kids.

Hudson and his long overdue nap

Friends by the fire

Sticks, sticks and more sticks! Watch out, he's fast!

The Swearingen Family

Once we got home we had time to get dirty in the garden,
the whole family pitched in! Notice Hudsons' toes are so dirty they are barely even visible! What a fun day!