Friday, July 31, 2009

Family Camp 2009 @ Tinkham

Every year we plan camping for the third weekend of July
for my mom and dad and their kids/grandkids.
It's always great to get together and catch up, even if we just
saw each other it's always a good reason to go camping!

Maria, Hudson and Amelia

This was early the next morning, not much sleep!

Mom woke up and said good morning to Hudson as he came by with his prize sticks.

Uncle Randee!

We went for a mini hike, but missing Grandpa, Traci, and Mary.
Randee even offered to carry Hudson in the backpack,
(I was still dragging from virtually no sleep.)

Hudson, Zeke, Traci and Rachel... hangin' out

Hudson's fist smore!!

Grandpa and Hudson

Cousins on the other side of the river,
making sure there were enough rocks in the water!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blueberry Hills! July 15th 2009

Brian's Mom and Bob invited us to go to Blueberry Hills with them and their neighbors, Ram and Celia. Brian had a 'surprise' day off, so he was able to join us! It's one of my favorite places to go, besides fulfilling my love of blueberries, it's... well... it's just blueberry heaven!

Hudson had a great time 'helping' us pick

After we filled our buckets we went up to the restaurant
for lunch and of course, blueberry milkshakes!

"You're drinking too much, MOM, save some for me!"
(Brian was saying the same thing!)

Ram and Celia

Bob and Connie

Hudson loves having drinks with a straw...

family photo op

We had a great time together eating lovely blueberries
and enjoying our wonderful summer!

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July, 2009

For the weekend, Brian's old friend, Leslie, came to stay with us and celebrate the 4th. We got some projects done around the house mixed in with two bike rides and some other fun.

Breakfast... Blueberry, Raspberry pancakes with eggs and sausage!


Hudson loves days that start out with Dad home!

We took a break from some work to take Hudson
on our local train in Wenatchee,
Brian and Leslie didn't ride with us though.

Hudson wasn't to sure in the beginning...

but soon he was waving at everyone and enjoying himself!

After a good nap (for Hudson) we went to our friends
Carlos and Leslie Padron's Bar-B-Que. They have a daughter,
Jessica who loves Hudson and a son, Austin, about 6
months older than Hudson.

Hudson, following his dad's footsteps,
picks up the first game he can get his hands on!

Ready, Set, Slide!!

Leslie Padron

Learning to drive... Flinstone style!

Off to the races...

Thanks for coming to visit us Leslie!

June Ketchup!

My multitasking helper!

The protige! (however you spell it!)



One of many Brian's softball tournament wins.