Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our first Christmas with Hudson!

We were slow to decorate our tree, but we made it in time
to have a great Christmas at home with our family.

Christmas Morning
Me (Toddi), Brian, Hudson, Zeke, Dad (John), and Mom (Sheryl)

My Mom and Dad came over
Christmas Eve and stayed until Friday.

Mom helped Hudson open his first present, his first football!

Then Brian helped Hudson open his present, some Carhartt overalls.

Then one more before it was time for a nap.

He woke up in time to enjoy our early dinner with us. Bob and Connie
came over to eat and enjoy Christmas day with us too.

This is Hudson playing with his standing toy
from Great Grandma Jean and Great Grandpa Herb.

Curious George monkey from Jeff, Doreen and Nathan, he loves him!

And finally, a big smile for farm toys from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Connie. There were other toys and great gifts, one that I want to mention is from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Jan. They bought some books for him and then recorded their voices reading the books so that he could know their voices, (since they live up in Alaska). Thank you for making Hudson's first Christmas fun and helping to enhance his play and learning time!

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